Tag: Microsoft

Why You Should Use IP Groups in Azure Firewall

Managing IP addresses individually in Azure Firewall can be time consuming and error prone.  Use IP Group instead to create a single collection of

What is Azure Firewall Basic and How to Deploy One

Azure now has three SKUs for the firewall project: Premium, Standard, and recently GA, Basic.  Azure Firewall Basic offers many of the same features

Windows 365 Enterprise and Intune Management Training Course Now Available!

I am happy to announce a new Microsoft training course for Windows 365 Enterprise and Intune Management is now available at Udemy.com.  I collaborated

SFTP with Azure Storage is now Generally Availability

SSH File Transfer protocol (SFTP), sometimes called Secure FTP, provides the ability to transfer files between autonomous systems.  Azure Storage standard V2 and Premium

Save Money with an Azure Savings Plan for Compute

Microsoft provide a few options to save money in Azure.  Reserved Instances, Hybrid Benefits, Spot Instances and now Azure Savings Plan for Compute.  This

Azure Hub and Spoke Virtual Network (VNet) with a VPN Gateway

In this video, we create a hub and spoke network in Azure by peering our spoke VNet’s to a centralized, Hub Virtual Network.  Then

Start an Azure Automation Runbook with a Schedule or PowerShell

This video goes over the steps to create a shared scheduled on Azure Automation.  We review options available to create and edit a schedule. 
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