Tag: Azure

Azure Networking, User Defined Routes, and Network Virtual Appliances

This video was intended to show User Defined Routes (UDRs) and a few items were added on to demonstrate how they work.  It starts

Azure Automation Hybrid Worker with Azure Arc Enabled Servers

Azure Automation is not just for Azure!  We can extend it to an on-premises or multi-cloud environment with Hybrid Workers.  This video starts with

SFTP with Azure Storage is now Generally Availability

SSH File Transfer protocol (SFTP), sometimes called Secure FTP, provides the ability to transfer files between autonomous systems.  Azure Storage standard V2 and Premium

Azure Hub and Spoke Virtual Network (VNet) with a VPN Gateway

In this video, we create a hub and spoke network in Azure by peering our spoke VNet’s to a centralized, Hub Virtual Network.  Then

Webhooks and Azure Automation Runbooks

Overview Azure Automation is Microsoft’s cloud-hosted automation solution.  It uses Python or PowerShell based scripts, referred to as runbooks, to launch automation jobs in

Start an Azure Automation Runbook with a Schedule or PowerShell

This video goes over the steps to create a shared scheduled on Azure Automation.  We review options available to create and edit a schedule. 

Manage Azure Automation Runbooks with Git Source Control

Storing important automation scripts on a file share or local hard drive?  There is a better way with Azure Automation and Source Control integration. 
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