Tag: Azure Virtual Desktop

What is RDP Shortpath for AVD Managed Networks and How to Use It

A low Round Trip Time (RTT) is required for a good user experience in Azure Virtual Desktop.  With RDP Shortpath for AVD Managed Networks,

Scheduled Agent Updates in Azure Virtual Desktop

Until now, there has been no options available to schedule when Azure Virtual Desktop Agent updates take place.  Now in preview is an option
az-900 Azure Fundamentals

AZ-900 Part 4, Describe Core Resources Available in Azure: Compute and Networking

This is the fourth video in a series on the Azure AZ900, Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam.  The AZ-900 is required for the Azure Fundamentals

Use PowerShell to Create a Snapshot Based Image of an Azure Virtual Machine

This video goes of using the SnapImage.ps1 PowerShell script.  This script automates the process of creating an image from an Azure VM without destroying

Autoscale with Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Scaling Plans

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) now has an integrated session host scaling solution built into the portal.  This video goes over how to configure the

Azure Virtual Desktop; “The sign-in method you’re using isn’t allowed”

Azure Virtual Desktop now has the option to join session hosts to Azure AD in addition to Windows AD and Azure AD Domain Services. 

Windows 365 Enterprise: Requirements and Walkthrough

This post and video we cover requirements and an overview of how to configure and provision a Cloud PC with Windows 365 Enterprise. Licensing

Announcing Windows 365!

Microsoft announced Windows 365 this week at Inspire.  With this announcement comes a new way to deliver remote desktops as a Software as a
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