Tag: Azure Automation

Parent Child Runbooks and Shared Variables with Azure Automation

In this video I go over the two methods of starting a runbook from another runbook.  This is referred to as a parent child

Create and Run PowerShell Runbooks in Azure Automation

In this video I demonstrate how to create and run Azure Automation PowerShell Runbooks from the Azure Portal.  This includes editing, publishing and scheduling

Log Ping Response to Log Analytics

Today I am publishing a utility called PingTimeLog.  The idea is simple; ping a group of servers and write the response time to Azure

Azure Automation Setup and Linking to Log Analytics

In this video I give a step-by-step demonstration on setting up and Azure Automation account and linking that account to an existing Log Analytics

Authentication and Azure Automation Runbooks

Recently I ran into an issue with Authentication and Azure Automation child runbooks. The goal was to call a PowerShell child runbook following the

Azure OMS Log Analytics Step by Step – Data Collector API

I see a lot of potential in Azure Log Analytics. That should go without saying considering the amount of time I have spent learning

Variables in Azure Automation

Shared Resources in Azure Automation allow for the reuse of credentials, modules, scheduled, connections, certificates and variables. Variable assets provide a way to share

Link Azure Automation and OMS Workspace

I had issues linking a Log Analytics Workspace and Automation Account this week.  To begin with, there is no option to link an Automation
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