Ciraltos.com, Now with 100% more SSL!
I consider myself the DIY type, both at home and in my profession. I would rather fix a leaky pipe or deploy a server farm myself. However, with experience comes the knowledge of when it makes sense to do it yourself and when it’s best to pay someone else. That’s what I faced when trying to move my WordPress site.
As a background, my site was hosted on an Azure App Service site. It’s relatively inexpensive, but the shared plan does not support certificates. For that, I need to upgrade to a dedicated plan that was outside my budget. I found another WordPress Host, Dreamhost, that fit my needs and was priced right.
Over the past three weeks I spent several hours trying to migrate files off the Azure App Service and onto Dreamhost. I tried the manual method as well as free plugins. Nothing worked, either links were broken or the site would not come up at all.
I caved with the realization that I’m not a WordPress expert and, quite frankly, I don’t want to be one. I did some research and landed on Fixmysite.com to do the migration for me. It was affordable, close to the price of premium migration plugins, and well recommended. I provided them with some credentials and an export of the site and they did the rest. Not only did they migrate the site, they enabled the Let’s Encrypt cert and enforced SSL. As a bonus, they did it over the weekend, a time when traffic on my site is relatively low.
I’m happy with the results and wish I reached out to them weeks ago!