Tag: devops

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Specs

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template Specs are a first-party solution for storing and managing ARM Templates.  With Template Specs, ARM templates are uploaded to

Input Variables with Terraform and Azure

Variables allow us to easily modify terraform configurations with minimal changes to the code.  Variables are an essential part of making reusable code across

Image Builder and WVD Session Hosts with One Azure DevOps Pipeline

This video picks up where the last two DevOps videos left off.  We use one Azure DevOps Pipeline and multiple jobs to build an

Deploy Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Session Hosts with Azure DevOps

In this video, we go over using an Azure DevOps pipeline to automate building and Deploying Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Session Hosts.  This Azure

Azure DevOps Pipeline and Image Builder

In this video, we go over using an Azure DevOps pipeline to automate the image build process with Azure Image Builder.  This Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps, Git and VS Code

This video provides an introduction to using Azure DevOps Git repos with VS Code.  We go over installing and configuring Git, then cloning a

How to use Postman and PowerShell to Query API Data

In this video, I demonstrate how to use Postman, a free API development and testing tool, to format URL’s and make requests against web
February 2025
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