Tag: Automation

Flow in Office 365 Vs. Logic Apps in Azure

Microsoft Flow in Office 365 and Logic Apps in Azure are both options for graphically driven process automation.  With a graphical interface and a

How to use a Free GitHub Account to Manage Azure Automation Runbooks

Controlling source code is important for good code management, especially when multiple people are working on a project.  In this video, I’m going to

Update Management in Azure Automation

Azure Automation Update Management is part of Azure Automation. In this video, I’m going over updating servers using Azure Automation Updates. Topics covered include:

Parent Child Runbooks and Shared Variables with Azure Automation

In this video I go over the two methods of starting a runbook from another runbook.  This is referred to as a parent child

Create and Run PowerShell Runbooks in Azure Automation

In this video I demonstrate how to create and run Azure Automation PowerShell Runbooks from the Azure Portal.  This includes editing, publishing and scheduling

Log Ping Response to Log Analytics

Today I am publishing a utility called PingTimeLog.  The idea is simple; ping a group of servers and write the response time to Azure

Azure Automation Setup and Linking to Log Analytics

In this video I give a step-by-step demonstration on setting up and Azure Automation account and linking that account to an existing Log Analytics

Azure OMS Log Analytics Step by Step – Data Collector API

I see a lot of potential in Azure Log Analytics. That should go without saying considering the amount of time I have spent learning
March 2025
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