This video was intended to show User Defined Routes (UDRs) and a few items were added on to demonstrate how they work. It starts with some Azure Networking Basics and then we review a hub and spoke network. From there, A Windows Server with Routing and Remote Access Services

Azure Automation is not just for Azure! We can extend it to an on-premises or multi-cloud environment with Hybrid Workers. This video starts with an introduction to Hybrid Workers and then moves on to installing an Azure Automation Hybrid Worker on Azure Arc enabled severs. We then test the
SSH File Transfer protocol (SFTP), sometimes called Secure FTP, provides the ability to transfer files between autonomous systems. Azure Storage standard V2 and Premium now supports SFPT access to blob containers. This video goes over how to enable SFTP on a new storage account, then we add local users

Microsoft provide a few options to save money in Azure. Reserved Instances, Hybrid Benefits, Spot Instances and now Azure Savings Plan for Compute. This video goes over Azure Savings Plan for Compute, what it is and how it compares to existing cost reduction options. Then we review details of

In this video, we create a hub and spoke network in Azure by peering our spoke VNet’s to a centralized, Hub Virtual Network. Then we use a VPN Virtual Network Gateway to enable gateway transit connectivity between the spokes. Next, we configure routing with Azure Route Tables and User