Category: Azure

Azure Service Health

I recently returned from Microsoft Ignite with a lot of information to share.  Top of the list is Azure Service Health.  If you are

Parent Child Runbooks and Shared Variables with Azure Automation

In this video I go over the two methods of starting a runbook from another runbook.  This is referred to as a parent child

Create and Run PowerShell Runbooks in Azure Automation

In this video I demonstrate how to create and run Azure Automation PowerShell Runbooks from the Azure Portal.  This includes editing, publishing and scheduling

Alerts Based on Rolling Averages in Log Analytics

This post will go over how to create an alert for Log Analytics that evaluates two recent time periods for comparison. It’s a little,

Log Ping Response to Log Analytics

Today I am publishing a utility called PingTimeLog.  The idea is simple; ping a group of servers and write the response time to Azure

Azure Automation Setup and Linking to Log Analytics

In this video I give a step-by-step demonstration on setting up and Azure Automation account and linking that account to an existing Log Analytics

Azure Machine Learning in Log Analytics

Machine Learning with Log Analytics Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are all the rage and for good reason.  While static grouping and sorting in
February 2025
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