In this video, we go over the steps to image a Raspberry Pi with Stratodesk NoTouchOS. From there, we configure Stratodesk to connect to a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) remote desktop session using dual monitors.
UPDATE – Use ctrl+alt+w as a faster option to set up wireless.
Due to not having a proper video capture device, I recorded parts of this video with a webcam pointed at the monitor. I’ll get that fixed for next time 🙂
You can download the Stratodesk trial from the link below. Remember to use a company account (not a free account) to register. You will probably need to open a support ticket to get the Raspberry Pi version of the image. They won’t send the link to a free email account.
Stratodesk download: https://www.stratodesk.com/stratodesk-first-to-announce-wvd-linux-client-on-raspberry-pi/
WVD RDWeb feed URL: https://rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com/api/arm/feeddiscovery
WVD Course: https://www.udemy.com/course/zero-to-hero-with-windows-virtual-desktop/?referralCode=B2FE49E6FCEE7A7EA8D4