Category: Uncategorized

Static Public Source IP in Azure with Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway

In this video, we configure an Azure Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway.  A NAT Gateway provides a static source public IP or IP range

Windows Virtual Desktop JoinDomain Error

This video goes over “JoinDomain” error sometimes experienced in Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD).  The video reviews the requirements for WVD and configuration errors that
az-900 Azure Fundamentals

AZ-900 From Home

I passed the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure certification this past week.  I have a few years of experience with Azure, so an Introductory exam was

Application Masking with FSLogix in Windows Virtual Desktop

With FSLogix, you can mask applications based on Users, Groups, OU, Computers and registry settings.  This video reviews specific of FSLogix and then applies

Change .PDF Default from Edge to Adobe Reader in Windows 10

If you found this post, you are probably facing a frustrating and persistent issue, changing the default program to open Adobe PDF files from

Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM) For Beginners

Azure Privileged Identify Management, or PIM, is a Microsoft service that enables management, control and monitoring of privileged access in Azure.  In this video,

MFA Conditional Access Policy Breaks AD Connect Synchronization

I ran into this issue today and sharing for anyone else that may run into the same problem.  The scenario is fairly simple, Azure

New! Azure Spot Virtual Machine

Azure Spot Virtual Machines are an IaaS server option offered at a deep discount compared to pay-as-you-go and Reserved Instance pricing.  This video walks
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