Category: PowerShell

Azure Files Share

Secure Access to Windows File Shares Over the Internet with SMB Over QUIC – No VPN Needed!

In this video, we explore SMB over QUIC, a secure and encrypted way to access Windows file shares over the internet without a VPN.

Send Email with SendGrid and PowerShell

Updated 12/2022In this video, we create a free SendGrid account in Azure and send email with the Rest API and PowerShell. We walk through

Getting Started with Microsoft Graph and PowerShell

The Azure AD and MSOnline PowerShell Modules will be depreciated soon.  The replacement is the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module based on the Microsoft Graph

Find Patch Tuesday with PowerShell

Patching Windows computers is essential, but the inconsistent date of “Patch Tuesday,” the second Tuesday of the month, can make scheduling automation difficult.  The

How to use Postman and PowerShell to Query API Data

In this video, I demonstrate how to use Postman, a free API development and testing tool, to format URL’s and make requests against web

Git and VS Code for the Lone Scripter

This is where my last two articles, Git for System Admin Scripting and Get Started with Git Remote, come together.  Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code
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