Category: Azure

Network Watcher

What is Network Watcher and How Did It Get In My Subscription!

You just created an Azure VNet and there is a new resource group called NetworkWatcherRG shows up in the subscription, what is it and

Know your Azure AD Device Identities! Azure AD Registered, Azure AD Joined, and Hybrid Azure AD Joined

Devices, like users and groups, have identities in Azure AD.  We can use these identities to manage the devices.  This video goes over the
AVD Disaster Recovery

Azure Virtual Desktop Disaster Recovery Live Stream

It is 9 AM on a Monday, and the Azure region you deployed AVD to is down; now what? This live stream looks at
Azure AD Identity

Azure Global Admin is not a “Global Admin”

Understanding Role Based Access Control (RBAC) roles and scopes is important to managing Azure cloud services.  This video goes over a common misunderstanding of
Image Builder PowerShell

Install Applications in Azure Image Builder with PowerShell!

Azure Image Builder provides a way to create images for Azure VM’s in an automated pipeline.  It’s even easier with the new portal integration. 
Image Builder

New! Azure Image Builder Portal Integration

Azure Image Builder is a flexible tool used to create custom Windows and Linux images in Azure.  It uses HashiCorp Packer in the backend

Why You Should Use IP Groups in Azure Firewall

Managing IP addresses individually in Azure Firewall can be time consuming and error prone.  Use IP Group instead to create a single collection of
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