This year I was fortunate enough to present at the 2019 Global Azure Boot Camp in Nashville, TN. How I ended up there is a bit of a story. I have relatives in the area and reached out to the Nashville Azure User Group organizer, William Zack, early in the year to see if there was an opportunity to present. I figured it could be a family trip as well. We settled on April but as the date grew closer it was determined that there would be no UG that month. Instead, I was asked to present at the Boot Camp that month.
Public speaking is outside my comfort zone, but it’s something I’m really starting to enjoy. It’s amazing how quickly 45 minutes goes by presenting on something you believe in. I gave a presentation that walks through the process of using Azure Automation and PowerShell runbooks to automate user provisioning. This draws from the videos I’ve put out on YouTube with a more “real world” application. I find the key to being comfortable in front of a room is to be prepared. Even doing dry runs in my home office helps. My family has gotten quite used to me presenting to no one!
The Azure Global Boot Camp was a wonderful opportunity to network and share my experience with Azure Automation. I also learned a lot from other sessions I attended while there. The Azure Global Boot Came is a great way to learn about Azure and network with others who share the same interests. If you haven’t attended one, I suggest to check one out next year. Keep an eye on https://global.azurebootcamp.net/ for next years events. There are also virtual events if you can’t make one in your area.