Author: Travis Roberts

Connect Grafana to Azure Log Analytics

In this post I demonstrate how to connect Grafana to Azure Log Analytics using the Azure Monitor data source plugin. Grafana is an open

4sysops – Custom Log and Fields in Log Analytics

I have a new article posted t 4sysops today on collecting custom logs in Azure Log Analytics and creating custom fields.

Collect Custom Windows Event Logs in Log Analytics

Adding most Windows Event Logs to Log Analytics is a straightforward process.  Simply go to the Advanced properties in the Workspace > Windows Event

Azure Monitor Setup and Server Onboarding

My first article posted at 4sysops on setting up an Azure Monitor workspace in Log Analytics and onboarding Servers.

Update Management in Azure Automation

Azure Automation Update Management is part of Azure Automation. In this video, I’m going over updating servers using Azure Automation Updates. Topics covered include:
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