Author: Travis Roberts – Azure Recovery Plans: Failover Multiple Azure VMs

I have another article published at This one covers a multi-site VM failover using Custom Script Extensions to change OS level settings during

Monitor WordPress with Azure Application Insights

In this video I show you how to setup Azure Applications Insight.  Next, I go over how to add the Azure Application Insights plugin

Azure 101 – Azure Locations, Regions and High Availability

This is the first video in a 101, Introductory to Microsoft Azure series. The video starts by reviewing the current Azure geographies and regions,

How to use a Free GitHub Account to Manage Azure Automation Runbooks

Controlling source code is important for good code management, especially when multiple people are working on a project.  In this video, I’m going to

Grafana Dashboard with Log Analytics Data

This post covers creating a dashboard in Grafana and displaying data from Log Analytics.  My previous post covered connecting a Grafana installation to a
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