Author: Travis Roberts

Azure Cost Management and Billing

In this video, I walk through Azure Cost Management and Billing.  I give a tutorial on setting up a budget and spending alerts once

Flow in Office 365 Vs. Logic Apps in Azure

Microsoft Flow in Office 365 and Logic Apps in Azure are both options for graphically driven process automation.  With a graphical interface and a

Purge Azure CDN with Event Grid and Azure Automation

In this post, I demonstrate how to automatically purge content from an Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) using Event Grid and Azure Automation.  I

Grafana Dashboard powered with Raspberry Pi Displaying Log Analytics and Application Insights Data

In this video I go over creating a Grafana Dashboard with data from Azure Application Insights and Log Analytics including subscription cost information.  I

Power Admin File Sight: Protect and audit file servers

This is a review I wrote for on Power Admin File Sight. A product that extends greater control over Windows File Shares.
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